Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008


Many complain that to open a business there is no chance. This is the classic complaint that we may not be heard again. Indeed, to start a business we can do with a variety of ways, one of them with the education we have. Jerry Yang and David Filo, the founders of Yahoo started with the education business. They are students from Stanford University. Yahoo starts from the back of the car park is now growing rapidly. Jerry Yang and David Filo started business from small and simple things. Jerry Yang described the discovery that Yahoo is "an accident" when he and Filo's thesis completed. Yang and Filo started Yahoo this when they sat in the university, before they complete course. They started doing business with the web site listing some of them like that and write some software that allows a website to get a web site that will be placed on the web portal which is called. At the time was established in 1994, named Terry's Guide To The World Wide Web. When they discover that their sites visited by people from 90 countries, the spontaneous "Yahoo" and finally, a word that is used to name their company. In 1999, Yahoo reached star status. Net income of four in the fourth quarter's 57.6 million dollars, while revenues jumped from 91 million dollars into 201 million dollars. Now, Yahoo is the best portal in 2002.
by M.Suyanto

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